5 Mistakes You Should Avoid With Content

Mistake 1: You only think of the search engine
Many make the mistake of thinking primarily about the search engine when creating the content. This means that the text is optimized correctly and thus rank better. However, readers usually cannot do anything with such a text, since it is either too complicated or simply offers no real added value. It is, therefore, essential to strike the right balance between understandable content and optimisation for the search engine.
When creating the text, pay attention to the target group and what knowledge they already have in the respective area. You should structure the text accordingly. If you use foreign words or technical terms, you can explain them to make the text easily understandable for every reader. Also, keep in mind that the structure of the text is also essential. Headings and a flowing text are just as much a part of this as enumerations, for example.
Mistake 2: Not enough attention for the headings
You probably know the phenomenon yourself. You leaf through the newspaper or read headlines on the Internet and spontaneously decide which article appeals to you and which doesn’t. Most of the time, it is the heading that makes us decide at lightning speed. You should also keep this in mind when creating the content. A precise and unambiguous heading that arouses curiosity is, therefore, the be-all and end-all of a good text.
But an exciting and legible text, which also fulfils the requirements of the search engines, also includes memorable headlines that introduce the respective paragraphs. This prepares the reader for what to expect in the coming lines. For this reason, the content of the heading and the text below must be coordinated.
A tip: A heading (also called a headline) should convey something interesting to the user or contain a promise.
Mistake 3: The reader is not ‘caught’
The content of your text can be as good: If it does not cast a spell over the reader, you have lost. It is therefore vital that you structure the entire text in an exciting and exciting way to keep the user happy. If necessary, speak to them directly. In this way, you can actively involve then in the action, so to speak.
In addition, it does not matter whether it is a long story or a short technical text: The content must always consist of an introduction, a central part and the conclusion and also offer a tension.
Mistake 4: No sales strategy included
Of course, you will primarily want a potential customer to buy your products or use your services. That is why it is best to deal with this in a text. Submit an appropriate offer to the reader. This can also be a free offer.
The difficulty: you have to bring the respective offer to the user sympathetically and casually so that he wants to learn more about you.
Mistake 5: The reader is not permanently bound
In content marketing, it is imperative not only to provide the reader with a text. Instead, you have to make them want to continue reading through this content. You can do this by permanently binding the reader to yourself. Provide them with additional material so that he can continue reading directly or make an active but unobtrusive contribution to the fact that he decides to subscribe to the newsletter. In this way, you regularly provide them with new information and retain them in the long term. Once the reader is convinced, he will also buy your products.